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Save A Dog - Dogs Adopted in April, 2012
 Dogs Adopted in April, 2012
  Annie, < 5 months Female Beagle / Spaniel  Mix

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ANNIE is a < 5 month old Beagle / Spaniel girl who was brought in as a stray. She is a very sweet girl and a very playful puppy. They say she can be a little bashful until she warms up to you, but she's been pretty outgoing with the volunteers. She is fine with other dogs, kids and cats. Update from her foster mom: Annie is definitely coming out of her shell! She loved my husband (who's 6' 3"), and goes up to my son no problem. She's doing much better with playing with toys too. The first day home she ignored things thrown (ball, rubber hedgehog etc), but she has the hang of it now and will chase things down and either bring them back your way or try and play keep away. She is working on crate training. She definitely wants to be near someone all the time and when you're out of the room can be quite vocal about wanting to see you. Right now she's crated with me in the room and she'll settle down for awhile and then one of my movements will get her attention and she'll bark/whine for a minute or two and then settle down again if I basically ignore her. So we're working on it. She did basically sleep through the night again. She woke up once, whined for a couple of minutes and then went back to sleep. She's still eating great and no accidents. So, the only negative so far is that she wants to be with you all the time : ) Annie is a beagle mix, white with tan and is quite a strikingly beautiful dog. She weighed 16.5# when she was spayed. Please fill out an online application to speed the process. She is available now.

Last Modified: 4/11/2012 1:48:16 PM EST
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  Ava, ~ 8-12 months Female Mini Australian Shepherd  Mix
Ava   Ava
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Ava is a pretty little mini Aussie mix female dog who loves to play, play, play all day long with her dog friends. She is an adorable little dog with an Aussie-looking tail, but not as short as an Aussie as she is a mix. She could have a touch of Spaniel (King Charles?) in her. She is 8-12 months old and weighs 14 lb. She is quite the little fun loving dog, She is spayed and gets along great with dogs and cats. She tries to play with larger dogs, but she sometimes gets picked on by them, so smaller dogs are best for this little cutie, or she could be an only dog too as she would make a great family dog. She will sleep in her crate at night, but at first she gets sad and pouty when she is put in her crate. She is generally quiet, but only barks when a stranger comes to the door. No accidents in the house, but she has outside access with a dog door. She loves to snuggle, she needs work on the leash as she gets a bit huffy about it and will try to slip her collar. She likes to be a Diva and boss the other foster dogs around. She is always in the thick of the action, whatever is going on, she wants to see what it is. Her fur is soft and long, but is not the kind that requires grooming, just an occasional bath and brushing. She would do well in most any home, but remember she does like the sunshine and outdoors so would be very happy to have a yard to chase bugs and butterflies. Please apply online if you are interested. She will be available on 4/9/12.

Last Modified: 4/25/2012 5:09:49 PM EST
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  Bear, ~ 8 months Male Golden Retriever / Retriever  Mix
Bear   Bear
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Bear is a beautiful young Golden Retriever mix who is 8 months old. He has jet black shiny fur and weighs about 55 lbs. Bear is an awesome Retriever who loves to play with other dogs. He would be fabulous for the dog park, or the beach, or doggy daycare. He's a really good dog too and we hope will be the love of someone's life. He's not a dog for the city as he was raised in the country and is not aware of cars, etc. Bear's brother, Brady, came to Save A Dog a short time ago and has found a home so now it's Bear's turn. His previous owner decided to give Bear and his brother up as they were in their 80's and the pups grew to be too big, and at the time were untrained. That has all changed since coming into rescue. His foster mom has worked on his leash training and house manners. He is good with cats and has had no accidents in the house with doggie door access. He will wait like a gentleman for his dog bowl and never jumps on anyone, is not mouthy and seldom barks. He is a gentle dog and although he is solidly built he is not a very tall dog, although he would be considered a large boy. He plays with dogs all day, sized from 90 lbs all the way down to a 6 lb dog. He has been taught to lay down to play with his small foster brother, but in the yard he plays very rough with his big German Shepherd friend. (Also check out the picture of him on Titus' page if you want to see him running.) He ignores cats and if he sniffs them they usually chase after him. Bear has never shown any aggression toward any person or any animal, so he would probably be a horrible watchdog. He is very laid back for his age and really just wants to hang out with people. He prefers being indoors with his people. He always looks clean even when he has been out playing with his dog friends. He is only 8 months old and needs to be watched that he isn't chewing on any unauthorized household objects. He is usually good, but has destroyed some flip flops, so he needs supervision and crate training. He needs lots of toys and he needs to continue his training to be the best he can be. He is available as of 4/26/12. If you are interested in meeting Bear, please help us by filling out our online application. Apply at

Last Modified: 5/1/2012 1:16:06 PM EST
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  Ben, ~ < 1 year Male Hound/Shepherd/Boxer?  Mix
Ben   Ben
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Hi! My name is Ben, otherwise known as "Gentle Ben" because apparently I can be very sweet and will give you endless love. All I really ask for is a warm home, abundant toys, and someone to be my "bestie". I was not treated very well in my old home so luckily, a wonderful rescue came along and lovingly took care of me until I could find my way to Save A Dog. Ben is a playful dog who was seized from a bad owner. He weighed 14 lbs at 6 mos, He is a huge success story! He's pushing 30 in just a couple months since his rescue. He is a good boy, awesome for what he's been through. He is currently in a foster home and doing great. He gets alone well with other dogs and is having no problems with crate and house training. He loves toys, will chase a ball, and just loves to play. He's bigger than a Beagle, smaller than a Lab. He has a Shepherd nose with Bloodhound wrinkles and short hair like a Boxer. He's beyond cute! He is available now.

Last Modified: 5/1/2012 1:16:15 PM EST
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  Bootsie, ~ 4 years Female Chihuahua
Bootsie   Bootsie
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Who's going to adopt this sweet little dog? She needs out of the shelter. If you have a grandmother or even a grandpa who is lonely and wants a little pal, this might be the dog for them. She's tiny and sweet and wants to sit on your lap. Maybe you could post her picture on your office bulletin board at work. Here's her bio: This is Bootsie, a female Chihuahua who is a mature adult. She was spayed July 19, 2011. This little gal will sit up and beg and she likes to lick-- feet especially. She is housebroken. Her last owner had her about 9 months. She rescued her from "someone with too many dogs that were not well cared for". Her current owner has health problems and also helps care for her elderly mom who's in a nursing home. There are two small senior dogs in the home that Bootsie has no problems with. There are no cats in current home but she might be fine with cats. She will be available around 4/26/12.

Last Modified: 5/1/2012 1:16:23 PM EST
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  Brady, ~ 6 months Male Golden Retriever  Mix
Brady   Brady
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Brady is a beautiful 6 mo. old, 55+ lbs. Golden Retriever mix from TN who is a sweet boy. He has been neutered, is current on vaccines, and heart worm negative. Brady was raised from a puppy by two 80+ yr. old women whom he has outgrown in size and energy. They never trained him or taught him to walk on a leash, and he was never allowed in their house. Once in foster care for several weeks he now walks on a leash, does not jump up, will sit to be petted, and takes treats gently. Brady is full of puppy energy and joy; he loves attention and loves to play. He would do best in a home with older children, no cats, and lots of attention. He is an attention hog. He is available as of 4/9/12. If you are interested in meeting Brady, please help us by filling out our online application.

Last Modified: 4/24/2012 1:03:14 PM EST
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  Buddy, 11 months Male Goldendoodle
Buddy   Buddy
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Buddy is an 11 month old black Goldendoodle who came into rescue after he was hit by a car. He weighs 48lbs. and is a really sweet boy. He loves to play with other dogs and toys. He is house trained and sleeps all night on his doggie bed. He was given to a man by a passerby one day outside the man's home. The man ended up giving Buddy to his blind mother and Buddy lived as an inside puppy who got lots of attention but no puppy training. He is very gentle but he likes to jump up on you when petted. He is also not well leash trained, so will need to go right into obedience school. He is from rural Indiana. He got outside one day and got hit by a car. His left front leg was broken and the family brought him to a vet clinic for treatment. After he got sent home he developed a large wound at the top of his cast, so he was brought back into the clinic for treatment. Sadly after he was brought back the family lost all interest in Buddy and they were asked if they would consider signing rights of pet ownership over to rescue. They readily agreed and Buddy remained at the clinic until his wound was almost all healed. He then went home with a foster mom who works at the clinic and who is a Save A Dog partner in rescue. He has done very well with all the other dogs and cats he has met. He loves people. Because of his size and lack of training, tweens and teens or even just adults would be best for him. Ideally a situation where someone is home most of the day as he will need a lot of time and training for the first year or so. A fenced in yard is a requirement. If you are interested, please fill out the application on our Web site under Apply to Adopt. He is available as of 3/29/12.

Last Modified: 4/3/2012 9:22:43 PM EST
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  Carter, ~ 6 months Male Lab  Mix
Carter   Carter
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Carter is a sweet male Lab mix who might have only a touch of Husky in him (judging by the coat). He is very Lab-looking and is much smaller than a Lab. He is very well behaved and quiet in his kennel. He is about 6 mo. old. He's neutered and up to date on his core vaccines. He is a very gentle, mellow and sweet dog. He takes food very softly from your fingers, walks on a leash very well, and does not pull on the leash. He loves tp play with his brother, Owen.. Carter spent a good part of his life locked in a kennel, and had never been taught anything, but he learns very quickly and is eager to please. He should be in a cat free home as he likes to chase cats! He is available now.

Last Modified: 4/11/2012 1:48:28 PM EST
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  Cocoa, ~ 1-2 years Female Min Pin / Chihuahua  Mix
Cocoa   Cocoa
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Cocoa and her friend Skittles were dropped off near the properly of a person who rescues dogs in TN. She is pregnant and too far along to be spayed so she will have her puppies and then be available for adoption once the babies are weaned. She will probably be available in mid-March. She will need a few sponsors as she will be in a foster home for an extended period of time. She and Skittles are best friends, but gets along with all dogs. Update 2/2: Cocoa had 6 puppies on 1/29. They are as cute as can be, and thriving on being in a foster home nursing with their Mom. There are 4 males and 2 females. 3 of the puppies are brown, 3 are black. We will continue to post updates. They will not be available for adoption until they have their shots at 8 weeks of age (approx week of March 25th). Please welcome Cocoa’s little Patriots (Vincent, Gronk, Welker, Woody, Myra and Logan). You can see pictures of everyone on our Face Book page.

Last Modified: 4/10/2012 9:59:10 AM EST
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  Curly, Born 4/14/11 Male Retriever  Mix
Curly   Curly
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Curly is an eleven month old, 55 lb Retriever mix with a gentle spirit. He has been in foster care while he has been growing and healing from an injury resulting in ACL surgery. His father was a Retriever and his mother a medium size mix breed of maybe Border Collie or sporting breed. He has good manners and is very social with everyone. He has dog friends in the neighborhood; he likes kids and cats. Curly enjoys hanging outside to have the wind in his face. He relishes a good bone or a cookie filled Kong. He likes being with his foster family [currently an adult and another dog.] He loves his belly rubbed. His story is he came up from Indiana with his siblings who have since been adopted. Curly was having chiropractic care and PT for his injured hind leg before seeing an orthopedic vet. He needed surgery on his knee but his bones needed to grow more before he could have the surgery, so we’ve had him in foster care for awhile. His surgery was Feb. 16th and he just had his three week post surgery check up. The doctor said his progress is great. [She was surprised at how well his is doing.] The holistic protocol and raw diet is doing wonders for his healing. He is still healing so he has some restrictions but when he is all healed there will be no restrictions. He has three short walks a day with more minutes added each week while the strength returns to his leg. The vet says that lots of stairs are not in his best interest. He is a great snuggler. Please apply online if you are interested and we will be in touch with you in a day or two.

Last Modified: 4/24/2012 1:03:25 PM EST
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  Dillon, 3.5 years Male Lhasa Apso  Mix
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Congratulations, Dillon. You've got a new "do" and a new home to boot. Before AND after pictures are amazing! Dillon is a 3.5 yr old neutered male Lhasa mix who recently came into rescue. He has white and tan curly fur. He is very affectionate, likes to give kisses, walks well on leash, and appears to be housebroken. He became available on 3/29/12 and was adopted soon after.

Last Modified: 4/3/2012 9:48:49 PM EST
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  Fergie, ~ 5 months Female Wire-haired Terrier / Giant Schnauzer  Mix
Fergie   Fergie
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Meet Fergie! She is a 5 month old Wire-haired Terrier mix (some think there's Giant Schnauzer in her) who LOVES the water. At her foster home in TN, they could not keep her out of the water. She is great with dogs, cats, and people. She's a big puppy who has lots of puppy energy, so would be great with another adolescent dog or with teens. We hope she can go to a home that has access to water as she can't get enough of it. Fergie was rescued from a TN animal shelter. This is what her foster mom reports: Fergie is a beautiful girl and if someone is looking for something different, she is your girl. She has just lost her baby teeth so is around 5 months old. She is tall and will be a big girl. At 35 lbs., she is putting on weight rapidly as she was underweight at the shelter. Fergie's entire day consists of playing with other dogs, swimming, napping in between, and lots of eating. She has been in foster care for 4 weeks and we think she is a very smart girl, but we have spent the time with her. She is not a dog to sit home in a crate for 4 hours, with a break and then another 4 hours, no way. That said, she will sit on command so always give the sit command before treats and before her food bowl is put down for meals. She is not allowed to jump on people here. She is a high energy dog and needs playtime in a fenced yard, preferably with a dog door. She is good with cats, people, and dogs. If she is an only dog she should have plenty of time at dog parks or with neighbor dogs to play with, in order to stay social. She is still working on house training (she’s still a puppy, albeit a big one). Fergie loves the water so if you can take her to where she has access she will play in the water all day. She is in foster currently with Ava. She is available as of 4/9/12.

Last Modified: 4/22/2012 12:06:14 PM EST
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  Gummy Bear, DOB: 2/6/12 Male Jack Russell (Parsons) Terrier / Corgi / Spaniel  Mix
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Skittles puppies were born on 2/6/12 and are almost ready for their forever homes. They are four females and two males. The mom, Skittles, is a Jack Russell / Corgi mix who weighs about 12 lbs. Some of the pups seem as if they will be larger than mom and some about the same size. Some look just like Mom and some look like Spaniels or Collies. Gummy Bear (spoken for) is the black and white long-haired male and Pez is the cream-colored male with the terrier coat like Mom has. They are very sweet pups who are born in our Director's home and under her care since birth. They are playful little pups, too small for young children, but would be fine with tweens and teens or adults. They need a stay-at-home or work-from-home adopter as they are too young to be left alone for more than a few hours at a time. They are too young to be spayed or neutered (please give them time to grow and develop normally) and they will receive their vaccines prior to going home. Right now they have the mother's antibodies, which protects them better than the vaccine. They are on the Holistic Select Small Breed Puppy food with canned Weruva chicken and they enjoy snacking on plain yogurt and scrambled eggs. Please apply online as they are in a foster home and arrangements will need to be made for you to meet them.

Last Modified: 4/6/2012 12:23:01 PM EST
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  Harvey, 2-2.5 years Male Boxer  Mix
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Harvey is a white boxer that was seized from his owners due to neglect. He is a very nice dog, sweet and gentle. The state vet guessed him to be between 2 & 2.5 years old. Harvey is one of the sweetest dogs you'll ever meet. It's funny how much affection they show once they have been taken from a bad situation. He likes other dogs as well but is a real people pleaser. In the beginning, the shelter that took him in thought he might be deaf, but they've seen him perk his ears and turn his head when someone came through the door. He will be available around 04/13/12.

Last Modified: 4/25/2012 5:10:31 PM EST
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  Logan, DOB: January 29, 2012 Female Jack Russell  Mix

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Cocoa's puppies are almost ready to go to their forever homes. They were born 1/29/12 and are a mix of Mini Poodle and Jack Russell and several other breeds. They are not non-shedding. There are 2 males and 1 female left. All are very nice puppies. We had their DNA done and they are a nice healthy mix of several breeds. Both parents were small but they have large breed heritage in them, which makes for a nice temperament in a small package. Mama Cocoa is a small dog, but not at all what we thought. She is a mixture of Mini Poodle and several other breeds including: Cocker, Irish Setter, Weimeraner, Airedale and Jack Russell. The father to these pups was a purebred Jack Russell. Some of the pups are fuzzy like Dad and some are smooth-haired like Mom. They all have very sweet personalities. We require an application in advance of setting up an appointment to meet them. These pups will go home at 8-9 weeks old so will need a stay-at-home situation. Adult homes or families with children ages 9 and up would be ideal for these pups as they would be hurt if dropped or stepped on. They are very playful and friendly, have been raised in a foster home with the most loving care. They are on the Holistic Select Puppy food that we carry at Save A Dog. They will go home with collars and tags and their medical records. They have been very well cared for in a home with other small dogs, so they are well socialized. They were wormed at 3, 5, and 7 weeks so will be parasite-free and very healthy. Please apply on our Web site under Apply to Adopt. We like to meet the entire family at the first visit so please plan accordingly. Once we receive your application we will be in touch with you to arrange a meeting time.

Last Modified: 7/20/2016 6:55:23 PM EST
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  Magpie, ~ 4 - 5 months Female Border Collie / Australian Shepherd  Mix
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Magpie and Marble are two female fluffy Border Collie/Aussie mixes who were taken in as frightened pups and worked with by a humane society in Indiana. They have come a long ways and are really sweet pups. They are available 3/29/12. Please apply on our Web site under Apply to Adopt. We like to meet the entire family at the first visit so please plan accordingly. Once we receive your application we will be in touch with you.

Last Modified: 4/3/2012 9:49:15 PM EST
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  Marble, ~ 4 - 5 months Female Border Collie / Australian Shepherd  Mix

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Helloooooo nice person!! I'm Marble, cool name, ha? Who are you? You say you're looking for a dog??? That's amazing, because I am a dog!! What a coincidence. Do you want a beautfiul, sweet, cuddly friend who will curl up at your feet each night, look no further. Hurry up, come get me before some other lucky soul snatches me away. We could be best friends FOREVER!! And all it takes is for you to apply. Can't wait to meet you. Marble is a gorgeous ~4-5 month old spayed female Border Collie/Aussie mix who was taken in as a frightened pup with her sister, Magpie, and worked with by a humane society in Indiana. They have come a long ways and are really sweet pups. Magpie has found her forever home so it is Marble's turn. Please apply on our Web site under Apply to Adopt. We like to meet the entire family at the first visit so please plan accordingly. Once we receive your application we will be in touch with you.

Last Modified: 4/11/2012 1:48:54 PM EST
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  Moogles, 2 years Male Poodle / Shih Tzu  Mix
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Moogles is a little Shih Tzu/Poodle mix male is simply adorable. He is dark Blonde, rides well in a car, is two years old, and is very agile. According to the girl who surrendered him, he was found as a stray, but it is suspected she was the owner. He weighed 13.5# when he was neutered. He enjoys playing with other dogs. He is a super sweet boy who loves to give kisses. He became available on 3/29/12 and got adopted. Check out his "before and after" photos. If you are interested, please help our adoption team by filling out the online application first and they will be in touch with you.

Last Modified: 4/3/2012 9:49:03 PM EST
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  Niko, ~ 1 - 1.5 years Male Husky  Mix
Niko   Niko
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Niko is a gorgeous one year old Husky mix who is being returned by his heart-broken family because the youngest child has severe allergies. They have relayed to us that there is no more perfect dog than Niko. We know that it's because they put so much time and training into him. He has been with a stay-at-home Mom who took him everywhere, to soccer games, to the beach, on vacations, to school, just everywhere. Niko kisses the children good-night every night and retires to his crate. His mom taught him many voice and hand commands. She says, "He is a wonderful boy who is loving, gentle, and loves to be played with." He is truly "the perfect pup" for an active family. He is not a dog for a sedentary life, but if you're active and want a dog who loves to go everywhere with you, then he's a great dog for you. This family took him everywhere, even to the beach all year round. He deserves a family who will give him the active life he has become accustomed to. He is good with other dogs, loves to play, and is even good with farm animals as he lived on a farm and was gentle with the alpacas and the chickens (although he was curious about them, so always supervised). He has not been exposed to cats. He has been on a holistic protocol with minimum vaccines, supplements, and a high quality dog food so he has a beautiful coat and is quite a healthy dog. Please apply online if you would like to be considered for him.

Last Modified: 4/4/2012 4:16:58 PM EST
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  Owen, ~ 6 months Male Lab/Husky  Mix

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Owen is a sweet male Lab pup who is ~ six months old. He is a nice Lab mix who might have only a touch of husky in him (judging by the coat). He is very Lab-looking and is much smaller than a Lab. He is very well behaved and quiet in his kennel. He's neutered and up to date on his core vaccines. He is a very gentle, mellow and sweet dog. He takes food very softlyy from your fingers, walks on a leash very well, and does not pull on the leash. He loves to play with his brother, Carter. Owen learns very quickly and is eager to please. He should be in a cat free home! He is available now. Don't miss out on this great puppy!

Last Modified: 4/11/2012 1:49:05 PM EST
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  Pete, ~3-4 months Male Puggle

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Pete is a Puggle puppy who came from rural Indiana. He was rescued on 3/15 when there was a gun battle in the neighborhood. One of his buddies was shot and killed, so Pete was rescued in the nick of time. Pete is a sweet heart who likes to play with his toys, and chase the bigger dogs. He really doesn't pay much attention to the cats where he was being boarded. He does have the Beagle bark, but is not too barmy. He walks well on leash. He will be available on 4/17/12. Please apply if you are interested.

Last Modified: 4/25/2012 5:10:44 PM EST
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  Pez, DOB 2/6/12 Male Skittles Pup - Pez  Mix
Pez   Pez
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Pez is one of Skittles puppies were born on 2/6/12. He loves to chase a ball and to chew on a deer antler. He loves playing outside in the yard with his litter mates. His mom, Skittles, is a Jack Russell / Corgi mix who weighs about 15 lbs. Some of the pups seem as if they will be larger than mom and some about the same size. Some look just like Mom and some look like Spaniels or Collies. Pez is a cream-colored male with the terrier coat like Mom has. He likes to retrieve a ball and he likes to play. They are very sweet pups who are born in our Director's home and under her care since birth. They are playful little pups, too small for young children, but would be fine with tweens and teens or adults. They need a stay-at-home or work-from-home adopter as they are too young to be left alone for more than a few hours at a time. They are too young to be spayed or neutered (please give them time to grow and develop normally) and they will receive their vaccines prior to going home. Right now they have the mother's antibodies, which protects them better than the vaccine. They are on the Holistic Select Small Breed Puppy food with canned Weruva chicken and they enjoy snacking on plain yogurt and scrambled eggs. Please apply online as they are in a foster home and arrangements will need to be made for you to meet them.

Last Modified: 4/8/2012 5:58:42 PM EST
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  Pixie Stix, ~ 8 weeks Female Jack Russell (Parsons) Terrier / Corgi / Spaniel  Mix

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Pixie Stix is the smallest female pup in the litter and she is now spoken for so will go home around 9 weeks of age. Skittles puppies were born on 2/6/12 and are almost ready for their forever homes. They are four females and two males. The mom, Skittles, is a Jack Russell / Corgi mix who weighs about 12 lbs. Some of the pups seem as if they will be larger than mom and some about the same size. Some look just like Mom and some look like Spaniels or Collies. They are very sweet pups who are born in our Director's home and under her care since birth. They are playful little pups, too small for young children, but would be fine with tweens and teens. They need a stay-at-home or work-from-home adopter as they are too young to be left alone for more than a few hours at a time. They are too young to be spayed or neutered (please give them time to grow and develop normally) and they will receive their vaccines prior to going home. Right now they have the mother's antibodies, which protects them better than the vaccine. They are on the Holistic Select Small Breed Puppy food with canned Weruva chicken and they enjoy snacking on plain yogurt and scrambled eggs. Please apply online as they are in a foster home and arrangements will need to be made for you to meet them. They will be ready to go home after 4/2/12.

Last Modified: 4/8/2012 5:58:51 PM EST
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  Skittles, ~ 1 year Female Jack Russell (Parsons) Terrier  Mix
Skittles   Skittles
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Skittles has an adoption pending, but still has to pass the Fly Ball test. Skittles is a delightfully, super-friendly and adorable Jack Russell Terrier mix who came to Save A Dog in January and soon after delivered 6 healthy puppies. She is now ready to find her own home. Her pups are weaned and adopted -- Skittles' job is done. She's an amazing dog who has so much to offer. She is like a TV dog -- she is so cute and personable with very high intelligence and cleverness. She could easily be a star if someone has the time to take her to agility or fly ball classes as she has a lot of drive. Otherwise, she would be just a very fun dog to have around. She would be great with a family who can give her a lot of attention, but she is not one to sit home alone as she likes to be in the middle of everything. She's learned so much just from watching the foster family's household dogs. She and the resident dogs play and play all day long. When it's time for getting attention she is first in line. She is very well behaved in the house, and completely housebroken. She uses the dog door into the fenced yard to do her business or to bury a bone. She is a busy little girl but not underfoot. She is currently being fostered with two mature dogs and is very respectful of them, even though she's a bit of an attention-hog. You can see her size in perspective with the dogs. One is a medium-sized 35 lbs and one is a toy breed weighing 6 lbs. She's around 12 lbs. She has learned many good behaviors just from watching the older dogs and taking their lead, but it would be a lot of fun for her to have another dog to play with, maybe one close in age. Like any JRT she likes to jump for joy and can sail over most fences if she wanted to, so is not a dog to just stick out in the back yard as she would get bored and take off to be with people. She likes to be with her people, hanging out on the couch or chasing squirrels out of the yard. She loves men equally with women and is not skittish at all. She would be great for agility or fly ball as she is very agile and quick. She would love a doggie door to a fenced in yard as she likes the freedom to go in and out all day long. She's on the raw diet right now and we would love for her to stay on it as it is a healthier diet and will keep her fit and trim for her whole life, but she's not fussy and will eat dry kibble if that's your style. She loves pop corn so when you make a bowl, you must make a little extra. A holistic-following home or one willing to learn, would be most welcome. Skittles' story: She was dumped on the property of someone who rescues dogs in TN. We are reviewing applications now Please apply if you are interested. Thank you to her sponsors who helped with her expenses these past few months.

Last Modified: 5/1/2012 1:15:38 PM EST
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  Spree, 8 weeks Female Jack Russell (Parsons) Terrier / Corgi  Mix

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Spree is a female pup in the litter and she is now spoken for so will go home once her first vaccines are complete. Skittles puppies were born on 2/6/12. They are four females and two males. The mom, Skittles, is a Jack Russell / Corgi mix who weighs about 12 lbs. Some of the pups seem as if they will be larger than mom and some about the same size. Some look just like Mom and some look like Spaniels or Collies. They are very sweet pups who are born in our Director's home and under her care since birth. They are playful little pups, too small for young children, but would be fine with tweens and teens. They need a stay-at-home or work-from-home adopter as they are too young to be left alone for more than a few hours at a time. They are too young to be spayed or neutered (please give them time to grow and develop normally) and they will receive their vaccines prior to going home. Right now they have the mother's antibodies, which protects them better than the vaccine. They are on the Holistic Select Small Breed Puppy food with canned Weruva chicken and they enjoy snacking on plain yogurt and scrambled eggs. Please apply online as they are in a foster home and arrangements will need to be made for you to meet them. They will be ready to go home after 4/2/12.

Last Modified: 4/6/2012 12:23:26 PM EST
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  Star Burst, DOB: 2/6/12 Female Jack Russell (Parsons) Terrier  Mix
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Star Burst is one of Skittles female puppies who were born on 2/6/12. She looks the most like mom and is a nice sturdy little pup. Her litter mates are all getting adopted so now it's her turn. The mom, Skittles, is a Jack Russell mix who weighs about 12 lbs. Star Burst likes to chase a ball and will carry the tennis ball around in her mouth, holding it by the fuzz. She loves to play outside and she will entertain herself with the other dogs or with toys. She and her litter mates were born in our Director's home and have been under her care since birth. They are playful little pups, too small for young children, but would be fine with tweens and teens. They need a stay-at-home or work-from-home adopter as they are too young to be left alone for more than a few hours at a time. They are too young to be spayed or neutered (please give them time to grow and develop normally) and they will receive their vaccines prior to going home. Right now they have the mother's antibodies, which protects them better than the vaccine. They are on the Holistic Select Small Breed Puppy food with canned Weruva chicken and they enjoy snacking on plain yogurt and scrambled eggs. Please apply online as they are in a foster home and arrangements will need to be made for you to meet them. They will be ready to go home after 4/2/12

Last Modified: 4/10/2012 10:00:20 AM EST
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  Taylo, 18 months Female Rottweiler
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Taylo is a purebred spayed female Rott who was owner surrendered because they no longer had time for her after the baby arrived. She is housebroken, got along with small dogs at her previous owners, cats (she will chase if they run), and loves people. She was born 7/24/2010 and is very sweet. She knows basic commands. She has been an inside pup since her owners purchased her at 8 weeks and she has no problem being crated. Her owner's Vet put her on PPA for incontinence on 3/22/11, because she was dribbling urine while she slept. He never even ran an Urinalysis, he just prescribed the PPA. She has been on the PPA, plus had Urinalysis done (was Negative), and had an Ultra Sound done (also came back negative). We recently took her off the PPA, and started her on homeopathic Causticum and it's been working great. She will occasionally be a drop or two on her white blanket. If an adopter wanted to go back to main-stream medicine and put her on the PPA, which is a chewable tablet morning and night, it would cost of $23 month. We're hoping we can find a holistic-minded adopter as this issue could be well lmanaged best with homeopathy or other similar therapies. She is available on 3/29/12.

Last Modified: 4/20/2012 2:24:03 PM EST
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  Tina, ~ 6 months Female Retriever / Collie  Mix
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Tina is a ~ 6 month old Retriever mix with a thick, luxurious coat that is made for swimming and outdoor fun. She is walking really well on her leash, but still needs a little work. Her ears are short and pointed, similar to a Collies, but are not erect. Her fur is really thick, her base coat is Chocolate, with dark red highlights. She weighed 44# when she was spayed. She has no problem going into her crate.TINA, TITUS & TITAN are 6 month old Retriever/Collie mixes. The mother dog was a Retriever who could have some Chesapeake Bay Retriever in her and the father was a Collie. A kind man took the mother dog in when she was pregnant and placed all but three of the pups, Tina, Titus, and Titan. He kept the Mom and had her spayed. These pals are being trained to walk on a leash and are very smart, so catching on quickly. They love to give puppy kisses on the nose. They were born right around Thanksgiving. They are fine with other dogs and they love kids. They haven't been cat tested. If you are interested, please fill out an application on our Web site and we will be in touch with you. They are available as of 3/29/12.

Last Modified: 4/13/2012 10:19:42 AM EST
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  Titan, ~6 months Male Retriever / Collie  Mix
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Yeah, I know I've got that irresistible "Greek God" thing going on. But here's a little secret, just between you and me: I'm a big mush. I may be a little unsure of myself around loud noises and big trucks, but I sure look brave, don't I? I also know I will love you even if you are afraid of scary noises too! I am only interested in one thing about you, the size of your heart. And if there's room for a big, Chocolate, Teddy Bear named Titan, then it's just the right size for me. Come check me out!! Titan is a ~ 6 month old, GORGEOUS neutered male retriever mix pup with a luxurious coat that was made for water to roll right off of it. He has that thick, thick coat that many retrievers have. He weighs about 55 lbs but is still growing. Update from his foster mom: Titan is an awesome dog. He is very well trained. He walks great on leash and loves walking in a wooded area near his foster home where there are tons of dogs. He happily greets each dog. He loves to play nonstop with his doggy foster brother, Champ. He also gets along well with the two kids in the family, ages 12 and 16, so tweens and up would be good for him. Titan is very sweet and quiet. He crates well and sleeps all night, no accidents in his foster home, and he has a hearty appetite. He can be a little nervous around loud city noises. He would absolutely thrive in a suburban or rural setting. He came in with his siblings, Tina and Titus. The mother dog was a Retriever who could have some Chesapeake Bay Retriever in her and the father was a Collie. A kind man took the mother dog in when she was pregnant and placed all but three of the pups, Tina, Titus, and Titan. He kept the Mom and had her spayed. They were born right around Thanksgiving. They haven't been cat tested. If you are interested, please fill out an application on our Web site and we will be in touch with you. .

Last Modified: 4/21/2012 9:44:32 AM EST
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  Tootsie, DOB 2/6/12 Female Terrier / Spaniel  Mix
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Tootsie is one of Skittles puppies who were born on 2/6/12. She is different looking from the rest of the litter as she is black with wavy fur. She has a terrier face with silky, wavy fur and a full length tail. She is one of 4 four females and two males. The mom, Skittles, is a Jack Russell / Corgi mix who weighs about 12 lbs. Some of the pups seem as if they will be larger than mom and some about the same size. Some look just like Mom and some look like Spaniels or Collies. They are very sweet pups who are born in our Director's home and under her care since birth. They are playful little pups, too small for young children, but would be fine with tweens and teens. They need a stay-at-home or work-from-home adopter as they are too young to be left alone for more than a few hours at a time. They are too young to be spayed or neutered (please give them time to grow and develop normally) and they will receive their vaccines prior to going home. Right now they have the mother's antibodies, which protects them better than the vaccine. They are on the Holistic Select Small Breed Puppy food with canned Weruva chicken and they enjoy snacking on plain yogurt and scrambled eggs. Please apply online as they are in a foster home and arrangements will need to be made for you to meet them. They will be ready to go home after 4/2/12.

Last Modified: 4/6/2012 12:49:09 PM EST
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  Welker, DOB: January 29, 2012 Male Jack Russell / Small mix  Mix
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Welker is the largest male pup of the litter, but that still doesn't make him very big as this is a small breed litter. Cocoa's puppies are ready to go to their forever homes. They were born 1/29/12 and are a mix of Mini Poodle and Jack Russell and several other breeds. They are not non-shedding. There are 2 males and 1 female left. All are very nice puppies. We had their DNA done and they are a nice healthy mix of several breeds. Both parents were small but they have large breed heritage in them, which makes for a nice temperament in a small package. Mama Cocoa is a small dog, but not at all what we thought. She is a mixture of Mini Poodle and several other breeds including: Cocker, Irish Setter, Weimeraner, Airedale and Jack Russell. The father to these pups was a purebred Jack Russell. Some of the pups are fuzzy like Dad and some are smooth-haired like Mom. They all have very sweet personalities. We require an application in advance of setting up an appointment to meet them. These pups will go home at 8-9 weeks old so will need a stay-at-home situation. Adult homes or families with children ages 9 and up would be ideal for these pups as they would be hurt if dropped or stepped on. They are very playful and friendly, have been raised in a foster home with the most loving care. They are on the Holistic Select Puppy food that we carry at Save A Dog. They will go home with collars and tags and their medical records. They have been very well cared for in a home with other small dogs, so they are well socialized. They were wormed at 3, 5, and 7 weeks so will be parasite-free and very healthy. Please apply on our Web site under Apply to Adopt. We like to meet the entire family at the first visit so please plan accordingly. Once we receive your application we will be in touch with you to arrange a meeting time.

Last Modified: 4/20/2012 2:24:47 PM EST
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  Wisely, ~1 year Male English Shepherd / Great Pyrenees  Mix
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Wisely is a ~ one year, neutered male English Shepherd/Great Pyrenees mix. He was a stray originally. He is super sweet and a giant teddy bear. Wisely is very gentle and must be seen to believe how handsome he is. He walks well on leash, is well mannered in his kennel, barks to alert you when he has to go potty. He sometimes gets excited when he is out walking, and offers to jump up on you, but minds when he is told not to. He weighed 66# when he was neutered. Please fill out an application on our Web site if you're interested. He is available 3/29/12 and thereafter.

Last Modified: 4/3/2012 9:50:05 PM EST
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  Woody, DOB: January 29, 2012 Male jack Russell  Mix
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Woody is the smallest of Cocoa's pups. He's ADORABLE!!! Cocoa's puppies are ready to go to their forever homes. They were born 1/29/12 and are a mix of Mini Poodle and Jack Russell and several other breeds. They are not non-shedding. There are 2 males and 1 female left. All are very nice puppies. We had their DNA done and they are a nice healthy mix of several breeds. Both parents were small but they have large breed heritage in them, which makes for a nice temperament in a small package. Mama Cocoa is a small dog, but not at all what we thought. She is a mixture of Mini Poodle and several other breeds including: Cocker, Irish Setter, Weimeraner, Airedale and Jack Russell. The father to these pups was a purebred Jack Russell. Some of the pups are fuzzy like Dad and some are smooth-haired like Mom. They all have very sweet personalities. We require an application in advance of setting up an appointment to meet them. These pups will go home at 8-9 weeks old so will need a stay-at-home situation. Adult homes or families with children ages 9 and up would be ideal for these pups as they would be hurt if dropped or stepped on. They are very playful and friendly, have been raised in a foster home with the most loving care. They are on the Holistic Select Puppy food that we carry at Save A Dog. They will go home with collars and tags and their medical records. They have been very well cared for in a home with other small dogs, so they are well socialized. They were wormed at 3, 5, and 7 weeks so will be parasite-free and very healthy. Please apply on our Web site under Apply to Adopt. We like to meet the entire family at the first visit so please plan accordingly. Once we receive your application we will be in touch with you to arrange a meeting time.

Last Modified: 4/11/2012 1:49:33 PM EST
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  Yiska, 1.5 years old Female Australian Shepherd  Mix
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Hi, I'm Yiska. I've got the whole package: smart, colorful, fascinating eyes, four legs, love to learn and live to please. Go ahead, teach me anything. Sit, stay, balance your checkbook, I can do it all. Keep me entertained and I will be yours forever. Yiska is an Australian Shepherd mix with one very unique half blue eye. This Aussie mix showed up at an overcrowded shelter pregnant, but has since been spayed. She is now in a foster home and doing well. She loves to play with the other dogs and going on long walks. She is approx 1.5 years old. If you are interested in meeting her, please fill out an online application at

Last Modified: 5/1/2012 1:15:55 PM EST
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<-- Adopted in March 2012Adopted in May 2012 -->

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