Save A Dog, Inc - Giving up a Dog?
If you need to give up a dog, the process must begin with a phone call or email to
Please allow us several days to get back to you as phone calls take time to return and we only have a small
window during the evening to return the many calls that we receive. You may leave us a message at 508-877-1407,
but email is preferable. The more details you provide in your message, the easier it will be for us to provide
the proper attention to your situation. Because our mission is to rescue dogs from holding facilities where their
time is limited, those dogs have first priority with regards to intake.
If you adopted the dog from Save A Dog, please have your adoption contract available and provide
us with the date of the adoption and the name of the dog at the time of adoption. Please remember that
although our contract specifies that we will take a dog back, we may not have foster homes available.
As well, if your dog has shown aggression, he may not be adoptable, but we need to be able to make that
determination. If you adopt a puppy from us and return an untrained adult dog, we will have to charge a
training fee (see worse condition clause in your contract).
Dogs we cannot place: Because we specialize in dogs that are friendly in temperament, we do not take in
dogs who have aggression issues or dogs who have bitten people or who are aggressive to other dogs.
There are also certain breeds that we cannot take, simply because they are not in high demand by adopters
and it is difficult for us to hold onto hard-to-place dogs for a long period of time while turning down dogs
who might have had a chance. As most of our adopters are looking for friendly, family dogs, we cannot take
in protective breeds.
The Process: The process begins with a phone call or email describing the dog and why you are giving him/her up.
We need to have that initial conversation in order to determine if your dog is a candidate for our program. The next step
is to have your vet fax the dog's complete medical history to our fax number: 877-349-9254. After you call your vet, you will
need to fill out and email or fax us the relinquishment form.
The relinquishment is not considered official until we take
possession of the dog and it provides us with enough information on the dog to begin looking for a new home for him.
Once we receive the medical history and the relinquishment form, we will contact you and post your dog's picture on our Web site.
If we do not have available foster homes, we may ask you to hold your dog while we try to find a good home.
Timing depends upon the availability of our foster homes and on how many dogs we can handle in the program at one time.
Our busiest times are during holiday and vacation seasons. When you bring your dog in for relinquishment, we should have
already received your dog's medical records and a portion of the intake fee.
Fees: In order to cover our costs, we have to charge an intake fee ranging from $250 to $500. All intakes are evaluated for health
and temperament in addition to reviewing the medical records. Intake fees can vary from dog to dog, based on our evaluation
of the dog, its temperament, over-all health, and our review of the medical records. As we practice a holistic protocol, we would prefer that you
not give vaccinations just prior to surrendering your dog as we will decide which vaccinations are necessary and which are not.
You will need to submit a $50 deposit before we will post your dog on our Web site. You can mail the relinquishment form to
Save A Dog, 604 Boston Post Road, Sudbury, MA 01776 and write Intake fee on the memo portion of the check. The balance must
be either cash or credit card as we have had too many bounced checks when people are relinquishing dogs.
What We Provide: All dogs coming into the program are evaluated for medical soundness and temperament.
We provide foster care, medical care, and training for the dogs in our care. We also screen adoptive families
in order to provide the best match for the dog so that he is not displaced again. The more information you can
provide us about your dog, the better job we can do in finding him/her the right home. All dogs are adopted out with
a legal contract that prohibits the adopter from giving the dog away, leaving the dog outside unattended, or using
harsh training methods.
Questions about the process are best directed to adoptions@saveadog.org.
Why You should Not Advertise "Free to Good Home" |
The following letter appears in the Tuesday, April 13, 1993, edition of the
New Bedford (Massachusetts) Standard-Times. I am sure its author would not begrudge
its reproduction for purposes of discussion. (The several spelling mistakes, which
I have left in, are as likely due to the newspaper as to the author.)
[begin quotation]
How many of us allow our dogs and cats outside to roam unattended, or give
up pets we cannot keep through "free to good home" ads in our local newspaper?
Too often, animals obtained in this manner end up in research labs. They are
taken under false pretenses from these ads, which are a goldmine for pet thieves.
They are then sold into a life of misery, pain and suffering. As many as two
million pets are stolen every year into a vast black market.
According to the shocking new book by Judity Reitman, "Stolen for Profit: How the
Medical Establishment is Funding a National Pet Theft Conspiracy," many beloved pets
wind up in puppy mills, dog fighting rings, satanic cults, and biomedical research
labroatories. Companion animals who trust humans are naturally the most desirable
to animal researchers.
Our pets are delivered into suffering and death by "dog dealers" licensed by the
Department of Agriculture. Unscrupulous dealers and their unlicensed accomplices,
known as "bunchers," steal pets from out neighborhoods, buy them from pounds and
at huge "dog auctions," and take them from "free to good home" ads, then warehouse
them in filthy, disease-ridden kennels where many die.
The few inadequate laws in place to protect our pets go largely unenforced. It is
up to caring pet owners in every community to demand that Congress strengthen and
enforce existing laws so that pet thieves and their accomplices are prosecuted
and punished.
The one golden rule in protecting your pet: _Never_ leave your pet alone where he
or she can be seen by thieves and taken, such as an unsecured yard, or let your
animal roam the streets freely. Provide your pet with proper identification.
Find out how you can protect your pet and help end the national tragedy of pet
theft. Write to: Pet Theft Project, c/o In Defense of Animals, 816 West
Francisco Blvd., San Rafael, CA 94901. To report a stolen pet or to obtain
information about pet theft operations in your community, call the National
Pet Theft Hotline at toll-free number 1-800-STOLEN PET.
[end quotation] |
Lee "free to good home" Rudolph