First let me say that I was so thrilled to have been able to attend Paws In The Park 2006! Muffy,
myself and my son Timmie had such a wonderful day, meeting all the people behind Save A Dog was my
favorite part of the event. I was going to email you and tell you that we would be attending, but
I thought it would be a nice surprise to just go and the look on your face when you saw my sweet
little Muffy was worth the 1.5 hour drive.
I heard so many touching stories from adoptive parents and how their lives have been so wonderfully
impacted by the dogs that you brought into so many families. Shirley, I am not sure you know how
many people you have not only given dogs to, but made lives so much fuller, richer and complete.
Our dogs are NOT just pets, but a part of our families.
You and everyone else at Save A Dog should feel such a great sense of joy and pride with every
single dog and family that you have helped to bring together.
Until I saw the smiles, heard the stories and felt the hugs, I did not truly know just how many
thousands of dogs you have saved. You are all the most gentle, kindest souls and you should all be so
very proud of what you have done and continue to do.
From myself, Muffy and all the other lives you have touched, THANK YOU.
Love Patty and Muffy O'Dell
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