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This Dog and This Child
- Author Unknown

The Dog:

When I'm a puppy, I'll cry at night, and you'll have to get up every couple of hours during the night.
When I'm sick, I sneeze, get runny noses, run a fever, cough, and sometimes throw up.
When I'm hungry my stomach makes noises.
When I'm tired I take a nap.
When I'm thirsty I look for something to drink.
When I'm happy, I smile and when I'm sad, you can see it in my eyes.

When I don't get my way, I throw a tantrum.
When I get hurt, I cry.
When I get hit, I cower.
When I get scared, I hide behind your leg and look to you for assurance.
When you leave me, I miss you.
When you come home from work, I get excited.
When you ask me about my day, I get silly.
When you play catch with me, take me fishing, take me for a walk and teach me stuff about the world, I look to you with admiration.
When you're mad at me, I feel sorrow.
When you're proud of me, I feel accomplishment.

The Child:

When I'm a baby, I'll cry at night, and you'll have to get up every couple of hours during the night.
When I'm sick, I sneeze, get runny noses, run a fever, cough, and sometimes throw up.
When I'm hungry, my stomach makes noises.
When I'm tired, I take a nap.
When I'm thirsty, I look for something to drink.
When I'm happy, I smile and when I'm sad, you can see it in my eyes.

When I don't get my way, I throw a tantrum.
When I get hurt, I cry.
When I get hit, I cower.
When I get scared, I hide behind your leg and look to you for assurance.
When you leave me, I miss you.
When you come home from work, I get excited.
When you ask me about my day, I get silly.
When you play catch with me, take me fishing, take me for a walk and teach me stuff about the world, I look to you with admiration.
When you're mad at me, I feel sorrow.
When you're proud of me, I feel accomplishment.

We have the same feelings, this dog and this child.
We will spark in your emotions, of Joy and of Pride.

We have the same feelings, this dog and this child.
We both feel pain, we both bleed and we both cry.

We have the same feelings, this dog and this child.
We both feel the fear, of you not loving us and of dying.

We ask you to consider, why is one of us more disposable than the other.

This Dog and This Child

Save A Dog, Inc.
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