Save A Dog, Inc. - Success Story
It has been a long time since I have written but wanted to send you an update to how well
I am doing also a cute picture of me at Christmas. It has been just about a year since I have come to live in Chesterfield.
I have brought much joy and happiness to everyone that knows me. Mom and Dad tell everyone my story and how they found me,
you just can not imagine the love and happiness they say I have brought into their lives. This fall my friend Pookie our kitty
passed away after 18 years of life and Mom and Dad says I help to fill the empty hole that is always left behind. I have had
quite a year of fun and adventure. So far I have managed to stay a very sweet and loving boy, I am very very social and
love children, sometime I get to enthusiastic when the grand children come or we have company come to the door (only because
I am sooo happy to see everyone) so we have been practicing sitting quietly at the door and not jumping up on people.
I weigh 88 pounds now so I am a big boy with a small dog attitude, I would love to be a lap dog, and try very very hard
to understand why I can not be. I did get into a bit of trouble with my chewing, I just can not resist anything that has
fiber fill in it. bedspreads, pillows etc. Also I love cords but am very good and only chew the ones that are not plugged in.
I do try very very hard to be good and we work on behavior with positive reenforcment but sometimes a boy just can not help
himself and then I have to go into time out, most of the time Mom or Dad don't even have to say anything just point their fingers.
They say I am so darn cute that they just can not stay mad at me and as long as that is all I do they some times have to
laugh at my antics when I am not looking ,because I have the important things in life down pat, I do not have a mean bone
in my body, I am very very social and good with other dogs even when they are snapping and growling at me, I know enough
to just walk away, usually it is the little dogs that want to eat me up and spit me out and I just think that is hilarious.
So I hope you can see what a gift I have been and Mom and Dad say to say thank you thank you thank you. This past year has
been a alot of fun and many laughs for them, Hope you all have a Happy New Year.
love Brady
A Brady update, Here I am with my two furry friends that I get to play with
almost everyday I just got back from the vets (had my third series of shots and rabies shot also)
I am a very good boy at the Dr;s I get a little scared but Mom holds my hand and they just love me
there, they think I am a very handsome boy and very very well behaved They kiss me on the nose and
give me treats so it is not such a bad place. I have an appointment to be neutered on April 3rd then
I will not have to go back for while I weigh 44 pounds and am in very good health My mom and dad think
I am very very special, very mellow and I behave very very well, they think they are very very lucky to
have me and I am quite a celebrity here in town, in fact everywhere that I go people fall in love with
my gentle ways and calm manner, I am pretty well house broke, haven't had an accident in weeks. No one
can believe I am only four months old so far I have not developed any bad habits, I have no issues with
food (I will let other dogs eat with me out of my dish) and anyone can touch me anywhere and I enjoy it.
Have been bathed and groomed alot so I am use to being handled. I can not wait to go and see my big
sister and go to the beach, she only lives 20 minutes from the ocean, now that I have had my shots
Mom says we can go and play I think that will be fun. Mom and Dad say to say a big
THANK YOU for letting them have me, I have brought them such joy and happiness, Until next time,
hugs and kisses from Brady
PS See you in June it will be fun to see the other puppies.
Sorry it has taken me so long to write, but as you can see I have been
busy I am being groomed so that I can go out on one of my many social calls. I am in great
demand here in Chesterfield The girls in the bank think I am the greatest, they ooh and aah and
feed me treats, they make my Mom promise to bring me down to see them every week and I was a big
hit at the hair dressers, my favorite place is to hang out with the guys at the fire station with
Dad, now that is a fun thing to do but I have to put up with the girlie stuff too to keep Mom
happy. She and Dad think they got one cute and smart pupppy I am doing very well on my potty training,
if they remember to do their job ;I do mine I am even starting to go to the door by myself
once in awhile. I learned to come and sit quietly in front of the cookie jar and wait for my treat,
I seem to know what no means, not always but a good share of the time. Mom says she wishes she
could take credit for all of this but I just seem to be a very mellow smart kid. I am having such
a good time, The girls down the street that Mom babysits for four days a week Kita a chocolate
lab and Sami a wheaton terrier are getting adjusted to my puppy antics and we have a good time
playing together and the grandchildren come to play they love me and I love them and play nicely
with them Mom and Dad say to say thank you thank you to everyone who had a part in giving me
such a good start I am bringing alot of joy and comfort to their lives, The only thing we are
lacking is alot of cage time as there simple is not enough hours in a day ,,,,my parents take me
everywhere that they go and I am getting in a lot of car time running errands, going to the post
office etc etc, so I am not spending much time in my cage, but seem to be doing okay without it.
Mom says I am just toooo much fun and toooo cute not to take everywhere that they go. They are
very careful with me when we go out and do not put me down where they think other dogs have
been so I do not get sick until I have all of my shots, speaking of which I have an appointment
with my new Dr next Friday Mom says not to be scared she will be right there holding my paw.
I can not wait until I have all of my shots then we are going to take a trip to the beach
My aunt lives in Maine and she is dying to meet me and take me to the ocean, doesn't that
sound like fun We are working hard every day so that I do not develop any hang ups, I am
constantly being groomed, having my nails done and Mom likes to sit near my food dish while I eat.
All in all I am loving this place and they love me Hope all the other puppies are doing as well
It will be fun to see everyone in June
love xoxoxo Brady