Hi Shirley
We just wanted to send along a little update. We are quickly approaching a year with our
little black lab mix "Tuesday" (aka Larry). I just said to Lisa the other day, "I can't
remember a time before we had him."
Save a Dog has really blessed us with a great new friend. Tuesday was transported with
12 other dogs last summer from North Carolina. He must have been a runaway/lost dog
because he did know a few commands-especially the sit command if a snack is involved.
We are lucky enough to live within a short drive to a number of state parks. At least
six times a week we bring him for a big run through the high grass and an occasional
dip in the lake. Everyone we meet thinks he is a puppy and has some theory as to what
other breed he may be mixed with. (50% lab 50% ?) We care not what the other 50% is
because he is 100% loveable.
We also wanted to let you know how helpful Tuesday's foster mom Laurie Aragon has been
to us. From the moment we picked him up last summer she has been a great source of
information and comfort. She even took care of Tuesday for 10 days while we were on
vacation. What a huge piece of mind that was. In those 10 days she somehow wiped away
Tuesday's bout of separation anxiety and since our vacation he is no longer crated and
has the run of the house with no destruction to our furniture! Laurie is a god sent for
helping with that! Thanks to you and all your volunteers for running this organization.
Great job! We love having Tuesday in the family.
Lisa & Eric Waite
PS: At least once a week we are able to tell people about your great organization.
If anyone calls looking for a "Tuesday Jr". you'll know who sent them. Keep up the
good work.
PS. Lisa entered a photo of Tuesday in a contest at her work (Fidelity Investments)
and out of 1500 entries in the animal category and over 4000 online votes her photo
one first place by a landslide. Here is the winning shot: