Hi, Shirley!
One week later -- Nicki is doing GREAT!! I took her to visit my friend Anna and her litte dog (Leo) this
weekend. Nicki and Leo little dog, got along very well. Nicki is getting great at socializing. Other dogs
seem to sense her teeniness and play with her extra-gently. Anyway, I stepped outside for a minute, and my f
riend Abby took this video. It's HILARIOUS!
In other news, Nicki and Holly (the schnoodle upstairs) are now best friends. We leave the doors open
between apartments during the day. They all day long, they alternate between playing and curling up together. :)
Finally - Nicki and I reached a HUGE milestone yesterday. After a week of gentle but firm training, Nicki
has finally learned to sit on command! And she sleeps next to my head every night.
Thanks again for brining Nicki into my life. I simply ADORE her!