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Dear Shirley and Save A Dog:

Ms. Mocha Millie says hello and she asked me to send along some recent photos as we joined the 21st century recently having finally bought a digital camera. These are not Mochie at her most photogenic, but they illustrate the life of leisure and luxury she was come to expect. She goes out on walks anywhere from 4-6 times a day and she is insulted when we put on our boots not for the purpose of going for a walk.She actually knows when her walk times are and will remind us, ever so subtly, if the time is getting close. Her petting m.o., besides just looking cute, is to casually roll over on her back when one of us walk by..."If you have a second, my belly could use a scratch..." She loves the snow and will "sled"/ drag herself down a hill of snow on her stomach. She has a great friend next door, a dog also rescued from the South, with whom she can rough-house and play. When we went to pick up Mocha, her foster mom made mention of the fact that Mocha really did not know how to play and was not up for friendly competition. She prefers the toys of others to her own, but she certainly knows how to play now and we are pretty proud of that. Mocha also is lucky enough to summer both in Maine and Ipswich, MA, where she has appointed herself the resident bunny hunter. In fact, we have come to the conclusion that she leads a better life than many people, including us! :)

Mocha has made great progress, both socially and in her level of confidence. I cannot remember our life without her and her fabulous and funny ways! Someday we would like to bring home another West Virginian to live with us as well but until then, we will just continue to dote on Moch.

Thanks again for all your work!

Suzanne, Patrick and Mocha Millie MacRae-Loughran


I think I sent our update to the wrong address yesterday so here is attempt #2. Ms. Mocha Millie MacRae-Loughran has been with us about a month and a half now and she has fit right in. She loves to play with Blackie, a border collie who lives upstairs, go for walks, chase those pesky squirrels, swim and run at the beach and play with her toys( as you can see). She is very sociable (even tried to acquant herself with a skunk) and has many new friends. She is enrolled in obediance school and is doing very well (we are thinking Harvard as secondary school :) People can't believe she was a rescue dog and we cannot fathom who could have let her go. Thanks for all your hard work and that of the foster parents. Hopefully we will be able to show this "saved dog" off the Pet Rock event!

Thanks again!

Suzanne, Patrick and Mocha

First Update


Mocha wanted us to let you how she is doing since her adoption in June. The first week was an adjustment for all of us, but after that she seemed to fit right in. She loves her walks, hanging out with Blackie ( the border collie who lives upstairs) playing at the beach, and as you can see, her many toys. She finally has realized that going in the car is not a bad thing and rides comfortably.She is attending obdediance classes and is the star pupil (well- so she says...). By Sep, she might be ready to attend the Pet Rock show and say thanks to all her Save A Dog friends!

Thanks and Best Regards!

Suzanne, Patrick and Mocha

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