I’m Mickey and I came to Save a Dog in September of 2004 with my little sister Lucy!
We were so sick and malnourished and in need of LOVE! Well as you can see from my picture
I am a healthy, happy and much LOVED dog now! I have a brother and sister (Merlin and Sabrina)
who live with me, my sister Lucy comes over sometimes to play and I have a best friend next door
named Tallulla (we bug our mom’s everyday until we get to play)! My mom says I’m really smart
and sometimes sneaky too (like when she leaves the room I sneak on the couch and when she comes
back I sneak off). I guess I’m a little spoiled too because I have 2 toy bins of all different
toys, balls, and bones. I like to carry something around with me when I’m excited, so usually
I don’t leave many toys in the bins and I get so upset when my mom puts them all away – I whine!
My mom just got this new scary thing called the Roomba. It cleans up all my hair – it’s kind of
scary but I guess I have to get used to it because my mom loves it and my brother and sister seem
to want to chase it around! Thanks Save a Dog for finding me a GREAT home!
Love Mickey!
Dear Save a Dog!
Thanks for allowing us to adopt Mickey! He is such a wonderfully smart and happy dog!
We already had 2 little Bichon’s and they are all bonding now! It’s taking awhile and it’s so
amazing to watch as the dynamics change with a pack. He has completely taken on the “protector”
role. My male Bichon Merlin used to do this, but now he is a little more relaxed. They butt
heads sometimes, but I think they love each other now. Sabrina our little girl loves him and
his best friend Tallula! Mickey is so smart – he’s too smart to explain in a letter! He
was malnourished when we got him, but he’s a healthy 47lbs now! Very active and LOVES to
play, play, play! He loves his toys (ALL OF THEM), loves to eat and loves to cuddle!
We LOVE him so much! Thank you Save a Dog!
Mike and Dawn