Just thought I'd drop you folks a quick email to update you on Boomer.
He's been a wonderful addition to our family and is a joy to be around. Thank you very much
for getting us together! I've attached a couple of photos for you to view. You may notice
that there are only pictures of him lying down. This is because when he isn't lying down,
he's in constant motion chasing rubber toys around and just being incredibly cute in general.
I've never seen such a well behaved, happy, yet young dog as him! I wish I could get a shot
of him at play, but he's too fast for my digital camera's focus. Most of my attempts so far
only show a blurred tip of the tail or the tops of gleefully flopping ears. One I've attached
with him wearing his e-collar. (He just wouldn't stop licking and irritating his incision).
I figured you can use this as an object lesson to the other dogs as to what will happen if
they lick their incisions. Please put a black bar over his eyes to maintain his anonymity
if you wish to use it. I am sure he would be mortified to know that there was a picture of
him in the dreaded e-collar in circulation to the public! The other shows him sacked out on
a chair. Thanks again!
Patrick and Carrie