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Paws in the Park 2025 - More Pledge Tips 2

More Tips to Help Increase Your Pledges

Make a Donation Can or Box for Work or Home Decorate a box or can with dog pictures (you are welcome to use any pictures on the Save A Dog website) and pledge plea. Allow co-workers to drop loose change into the can/box when they come back from their lunch hour, grabbing a coffee, etc. It's amazing how much loose change adds up.

Offer Your Services in Return for Pledges Are you a babysitter, dog walker, accountant, musician, car washer, cook? Use your services to help you raise funds! Offer to babysit for the boy next door. Maybe your friend needs their dog walked. Perhaps you can prepare an income tax return for a friend? Give cooking lessons to a friend who desperately needs to improve their culinary skills.

Casual Day at Work Organize a dress down/jeans day at work (with your employer's approval). Ask people who dress down to donate $5 - $10. You would be amazed how much money you can raise on just one day. * If you collect $10 from 26 people to dress down that = $260 toward your overall goal.

Bake Sale Hold a Friday bake sale at work so employees will have treats for the weekend. Encourage breakfast items such as rolls and breads, as well as sweets such as bars and cookies.

Recycle aluminum cans and raise money! Collect cans at your place of work or in your neighborhood and turn them in for money.

Is your birthday approaching? This is another great way to raise pledges. Send out a letter notifying friends and family that your birthday is coming up and ask them to make an online pledge on your Paws In The Park fundraising page.

Gardners Divide your perennials in the Spring, pot them up and have a plant sale. Great way to maintain your garden while raising pledges.

Jelly Bean Guessing Competition Fill a jar and charge people a dollar to guess how many jelly beans are in the jar. The winner can take home the jar of jelly beans!

Do you have an idea on how to increase pledges? Something that has worked for you in the past? We would love to hear about it! Please send it in an email to

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