Save A Dog, Inc.
604 Boston Post Road
Sudbury, MA 01776
Phone: 978-443-7282 / 508-877-1407
Sherman, 6 months Male DSH
This is Sherman, a SUPER NICE kitty who loves to play with other kitties. He was born at a farm on May nineteen, so he is just six months old . His mother Jane was a stray foster that some kind people took in and she had kittens right away. Sherman is neutered and is fully vetted, He is FIV/FeLV negative and vaccinated for that. Sherman keeps playing until everybody is tired and worn out so he will need another kitten or playful cat to hang out with. He is very sweet. He never met a person he didn't like. He likes the dogs, he likes other cats and he thinks the horses are just great. Sherman looks exactly like his mama. He loves to be petted and you can hold Sherman for a while. But then he has to get down and go be kitten again. Available 12/5. Go to https://www.saveadog.org/available_cats.asp to download the application.