Save A Dog, Inc.
604 Boston Post Road
Sudbury, MA 01776
Phone: 978-443-7282 / 508-877-1407
  Belle, 9 years Female German Short-Hair pointer / Cur  Mix
Belle Belle

Belle is a sweet soul whose world has been turned upside down. Her owner passed after a battle with Alzheimer’s disease. She was his emotional support dog and he was her person and he loved her very much. She has a great personality and is ready to make someone else happy now. She would love to follow you around and sit at your feet when it’s time to rest. She loves walks and has a lot of “puppy” left in her, loves to play. Housebroken and spayed. Her favorite treat is ice cream. Her owner shared his ice cream with her at night. She needs to be loved and she will love you back x10. She is a faithful and devoted companion who has lost the man who meant the world to her. She lived inside with him and slept by his chair or bed. She weighs 45 lbs. If she goes with a senior, you must have a family to take her in the event you can no longer care for her.