Save A Dog, Inc.
604 Boston Post Road
Sudbury, MA 01776
Phone: 978-443-7282 / 508-877-1407
  Joy, 2 years Female Beagle
Joy Joy

Joy is a 20 lb. Beagle whose owner gave her up. She has always been with her sister, Almond, so anyone who would consider both would be given priority. They get along great and are small Beagles. They went for a ride and a walk the other day. They both were totally comfortable in the car and not wary at all. They tried to get in on their own but were way too short so the volunteer carried them and put them in the back seat. Joy walks right beside you and is content to "stay with the pack" while Almond just loves to explore. Both are great on leash and like to move forward, even while sniffing. :-) Maybe separate adopters who could visit with each other? Apply at