Milo, 3 months Male Lab/Doodle
Milo is a 3 month old puppy who is 75% Lab and 25% poodle, so half Lab and half Doodle. He has a fuzzy face but we wouldn't say he was hypo-allergenic. Feeding a raw diet will minimize shedding to a large degree. Milo was briefly adopted, but due to a family crisis was sadly returned. He already has some training and house training under his belt, but will need ongoing training and attention. He is not a dog to sit at home in the crate, in fact he despises confinement, but we are working on making the crate a positive experience. Please have the time for a puppy. He is still teething so can be too rough for young children and he will grow to be a large dog quickly. He is an absolutely beautiful puppy. We're hoping to find someone close who can bring him to our puppy training classes.