Save A Dog, Inc.
604 Boston Post Road
Sudbury, MA 01776
Phone: 978-443-7282 / 508-877-1407
Pepper, 2 years Female Boston Terrier
Pepper is a 2 year old, small (29 lbs) mixed breed who has the cutest underbite! This doll baby was found as a stray deep in the woods of South Carolina having just had a litter of puppies -- she's just a babe herself!! Despite this, she is a happy, playful puppy who is people oriented. She enjoys exploring her yard and loves doing zoomies in the open space. She is a small dog with a big personality; pictures do not do her justice. We are a small but busy shelter so do not always have time to answer all phone calls or emails, so it is best to fill out an application for the fastest response. Apply at http://www.saveadog.org/applytoadopt.asp.