Save A Dog, Inc.
604 Boston Post Road
Sudbury, MA 01776
Phone: 978-443-7282 / 508-877-1407
Molly, 2 years Female Hound/Lab/Pointer/Collie
Molly is 2 years old spayed 49 pounds completed her heart worm treatment and is heartworm negative. She is a mix of several breed. Molly is very affectionate and sticks like glue to her people. She gives kisses to every stranger she meets and throws herself at your feet for belly rubs. She attached equally to her foster dad and her foster mom and knew to be careful around the disabled foster dad who is in a wheel chair. She is gentle happy soul who responds very well to positive reinforcement and really does not need aversion training at all. Very minor corrections, if any, do the trick with her no heavy handed corrections are needed as she has had enough of those in the past. She is such an affectionate and happy girl now with so much love to give and will almost instantly be your absolute best friend for life. She is big on giving a proper face washing so be ready for some major kisses (bright side is they are not super slobbery but this dog does not just give a quick kiss and be done with it). Her ideal home would have a fenced yard, older kids and she would do well with or without other dogs in the home. She loves her couch time watching TV and while not a fan of the crate understands that's where she eats and sleeps every night. She will make some noise (a whine or even a bark) when she needs to go out if in the crate but if loose in the house she will stand by the door or pace by the door (she is quiet if loose and will not bark to let you know she needs to go out then, she only makes noise about needing to go out if crated). She is let out into a privacy fenced yard to use the bathroom several times a day and gets along well with the elderly Labrador and middle aged lab mix in the home. Her foster family will her and has truly felt blessed to be a part of her journey.