Save A Dog, Inc.
604 Boston Post Road
Sudbury, MA 01776
Phone: 978-443-7282 / 508-877-1407
Enya, 4 months Female Dane/Plotthound
Hi, My name is Enya and I am looking to find a loving home now that I've been rescued. I'm 4 months old and a Plotthound mix. Rescuer says Bree, Enya, Fallon, and Nikki were part of an unwanted litter and were relinquished by their owner when they got to be too big. These four need a place where they can run and be puppies. They are very sweet and have lived their lives in a dog pen. They just want you to love them and love to give kisses. They all are active. Please give these siblings a home to run and play. They are loving and are all big babies. Due to Covid-19 we do not have walk-in hours. We seek local adopters who can attend our puppy classes. Our phones cannot hold that many messages so please fill out the application and wait for the response. http://www.saveadog.org/applytoadopt.asp.