Kai, 10 weeks Male Malinois/Australian Shepherd
Kai is an 11 week old Mallinois/Australian Shepherd mix puppy, who was rescued along with his littermates
at 5 days old, but had to be separated and bottle fed. As a result, he missed some early socialization and didn't
learn bite inhibition.
After two weeks in a local foster with three other dogs, he has come a long way and is looking for his Forever home.
He would be best in an adult, older teen environment and would benefit from the company of a playful,
female adult dog. He sleeps through the night, is now clean and dry, and is well on his way with house training.
He takes regular leash walks with the family and has progressed to being able to walk near traffic and to meet strangers.
He runs and plays in the fenced in yard, takes time out in his puppy pen, has a great appetite, and loves toys, chewers &
filled Kongs. His favorite is to hang out with the resident dogs.
Kai attended the first of a Puppy K class and did really well. He loves to learn and needs to continue with training. He
is very attentive to his person and already knows "sit", comes when called, sits calmly for his food bowl, "trades" for
appropriate toys and is learning to have a soft mouth.
Due to Covid-19 we do not have walk-in hours. We seek local adopters who can attend our puppy classes. Our phones cannot hold that many messages so please fill out the application and wait for the response. http://www.saveadog.org/applytoadopt.asp.