Save A Dog, Inc.
604 Boston Post Road
Sudbury, MA 01776
Phone: 978-443-7282 / 508-877-1407
  Fritz, 5 months Male Norwich/Yorkie/JRT Terrier  Mix
Fritz Fritz

Fritz is a 5 month old Norwich/Yorkie/JRT terrier mix who was teased and hit by children so he's best in child-free home with an experienced adopter has rescued a pup that needed some behavioral modification. He's in an amazing foster home now and has made vast improvements but he is head shy with the vet and in new situations. He loves doing zoomies in the yard and loves his toys. Please be local to Sudbury. Please fill out the application at NO PHONE CALLS PLS. We do not allow walk-ins during the covid-19 era. After we receive and review your application we will be in touch for an appointment, which is mostly outside. All household members must attend the visit.