Save A Dog, Inc.
604 Boston Post Road
Sudbury, MA 01776
Phone: 978-443-7282 / 508-877-1407
Boudin, ~ 1 year Male Pitbull/Dane/Lab
Boudin is about a year to a year and a half old .... He was found near a Walmart and taken to stray hold... They kept him a little over 3 weeks and asked us to pull him because they didn’t want to put him down... We searched for his owners but no one stepped up. He is huge - over 82lbs now... 78 when we got him. Boudin is a lover... He loves to be petted and loved on and he gets the wiggles when he sees you coming or meets new people. He likes playing with his little foster sisters Peaches and Una but he doesn’t realize his size so you have to watch him... He puts his paws on them. He enjoys water and will go for a swim if you give him the chance... He likes to fetch but he’s not too good on the return yet -- he’s smart and wants to please so it wouldn’t take long to teach him.... He leads and sits on command if he’s not too excited.... He loads up in your vehicle without much prompting and sits politely in the passenger seat while he rides. He LOVES his food and is really happy with anything that you give him....He has a squeaky bark that sounds like a seal and sometimes it sounds like he’s saying “Mom, mom, mom, mom." He would do best in a fenced in yard as he's got a lot of muscle behind that leash. Please apply online. Do not call as our voice mail system is unreliable.