Duffy, DOB: 11/6/17 Male Aussie/Sheltie/Russell
Born on November 6th, this litter of six puppies (2 males and 4 females) nursed from their mother for two weeks before having to be bottle fed. While in foster care, they have spent time with three family dogs and with teens and up. They are all confident, boisterous puppies who love crinkly toys and antlers. They have experienced lots of playtime both indoors and out and love to chase in the snow. No small children, please. They would be best with teens and up as they have sharp teeth and also could be hurt if dropped or stepped on. Local families only because they are still very young and we want to have them close. We always prefer holistic-minded adopters who understand that vaccines need to be spaced apart and are not a guaranty against disease. They are just being weaned off of milk and onto a high quality kibble. Duffy one of two male puppies and is very “happy go lucky” -- he loves his cuddles and plays well with his siblings and the family dogs. Available after 1/3/18 to applicants by private showings. No phone calls, please.