Save A Dog, Inc.
604 Boston Post Road
Sudbury, MA 01776
Phone: 978-443-7282 / 508-877-1407
Little Dixie, 7 months Female Jack Russell
Little Dixie is a tiny 8 lb girl. She is a 7 month old Jack Russell mix. When you first meet Lil Dixie she can be very scared. However she's only been here a few days and has already bonded with staff. Even though she is timid she hasn't shown any aggression. She also loves other dogs. When she's around other outgoing dogs it is a great confidence boost for her. Lil Dixie is a lil escape artist and because of this she would do well in a fenced in yard. We also recommend teens and up with this dog due to her size. If you are interested in meeting sweet Lil Dixie please fill out an online applcation at saveadog.org.