Save A Dog, Inc.
604 Boston Post Road
Sudbury, MA 01776
Phone: 978-443-7282 / 508-877-1407
Sirius, 6 months Male Rat Terrier / Whippet
Sirius is a 6 month old terrier mix who loves to play, play, play. He's all puppy. He loves his toys, love loves to fetch, but won't bring it back yet. We were told Sirius is a rat terrier. We believe he might even have some whippet or bully in him because he's bigger than most rat terriers. No matter the breeds in him, Sirius is a wonderful guy. He gets along great with both people and dogs. He plays well with Sully and Rose. This guy really deserves the best. If you believe you're the right fit for him please fill out an online application and come to one of our meet and greets. SIRIUS WILL BE AT THE MEET AND GREET ON SAT and SUN