Save A Dog, Inc.
604 Boston Post Road
Sudbury, MA 01776
Phone: 978-443-7282 / 508-877-1407
  Oliver, ~ 1 year Male Min Pin (Purebred)

Oliver is a one year old Min Pin. He is a local dog who was turned into Animal Control because his family felt he was too shy. It turns out that Oliver is one of the most confident, happy, playful dogs we've ever met. He gets so excited on the beginning of his walks that he hops walks on his hind legs and dances down the street. He takes a bit to warm up at first, but then is your BFF. He's a sweet boy. Because of his initial shyness Oliver is available through private appointments only. Please fill out an online application and we will contact you to set something up.

Oliver will not be at Today's Saturday (12/10) Meet and Greet.