Buddy, 3.5 years Male Australian Shepherd / Great Pyrenees
Buddy is a 3.5 year old neutered male Australian Shepherd / Great Pyr mix. He was with a family for the last year and he was great with the two tweens and is very tolerant of the two year old. Some things we learned about Buddy: He loves the snow, will play fetch for hours, likes to dig if he's bored, likes TV, and likes to sleep with a fan blowing on him. If he hears a fire or police siren, he howls. As a herding breed, the ideal home would be suburban or rural for him and a fenced in yard. He loves hiking and loves nice walks or romps in the fields and woods. He needs daily exercise and fresh air. He will do best with a dog owner who understands his need for daily exercise. He would do best in a home where someone is home at least part of the day as he that has been his routine for the past year or so. He would co-exist happily with another female dog or as an only dog. Please fill out the online application and we will arrange for you to meet him.
Buddy will not be at our Tuesday 9/6/16 Meet and Greet.