Alley, 2 years Female Shepherd/Lab
Alley is a very nice 2 year old spayed Shepherd/Lab mix. She weighs 73 lbs. This gal has the very best disposition. A quiet, calm demeanor but she is young and strong. Easy to be with and love and likes to cuddle. She would will be a great addition to your home! Her foster family writes: Alley is a real easy labor of love indeed. Fantastic on leash (never pulls - looks for wherever you guide her to go), but she has a pretty strong prey drive for small animals (squirrels, chipmunks) once she spots one. She loves to gently lick you if you let her, but responds to 'no' when you give the command. She is a marvelous love of a pup and typical of her youth. She has a likeable streak of playfulness and engagement once she gets to know you. She LOVES her tennis ball and will gently chase it, knock it around with her paw, and gently mouth it, but gives it easily knowing you will toss it again for her to go after. She is the MOST remarkable chill dog and bonds quickly with anyone and gives oodles of love back... she DOES have her mischevious side and COULD develop some bad habits without training. She sleeps and rests calmly, and is extremely willing to walk and come in when you guide her in to the house. I have met a lot of dogs in my life, but Alley beats them all hands down in terms of melting you into submission :-).
Alley Video: