Save A Dog, Inc.
604 Boston Post Road
Sudbury, MA 01776
Phone: 978-443-7282 / 508-877-1407
  Viva, 8 weeks Female Border Collie/Lab/Terrier/Pom  Mix
Viva Viva

Viva is one of the female pups belonging to 2 litters from two sister Moms. All the pups nursed from both Moms who were sisters and delivered them within a day of each other. All pups nursed from both moms so should be very healthy, getting the benefit from all that colostrum. Moms were border Collie/ Lab and Dad was Terrier/Pom. They are still just babies so will need to have someone home during the day to begin teaching them their puppy ways!. No phone calls please. Please fill out the application online. These pups will be available 1/29/15 along with the rest of the litters.