Save A Dog, Inc.
604 Boston Post Road
Sudbury, MA 01776
Phone: 978-443-7282 / 508-877-1407
Hurley, 9 months Female Border Collie
Hurley is a 40 lb. 9 mo. spayed, Border Collie mix. Hurley was a wanderer and would not stay home. Her owners did not want to get into trouble and did not want to tie her up so they gave her up to us to find her the best home possible. Hurley is a sweetheart. She is gentle and loves to play with Shadow. She spent most of her time outdoors so will love New England where we house our dogs inside! Hurley was raised with children and cats so she is good with both. She walks on a leash and is good in the car. Hurley deserves a loving family and a large fenced yard to play in and keep her safe.