Save A Dog, Inc.
604 Boston Post Road
Sudbury, MA 01776
Phone: 978-443-7282 / 508-877-1407
Demi, 10 Months Female Chinese Crested / Terrier
Demi, 1 Year Female Chinese Crested/Terrier Mix
Demi was found by rescue very close to death from starvation. She was rushed to the vets and luckily she is a fighter. It took awhile for her to put on weight but when her foster family switched her to a grain free diet it made a huge difference. She also was badly matted and had to be shaved, but her hair is growing back nicely. Demi has been in rescue for several months and is very healthy and ready for a new start. She is great with dogs and cats. She also is very sweet with children. When she meets new people her face lights up and her whole body wags happily. She walks well on the leash and does her business outside as long as she’s taken out on a regular routine. She is crate trained but shouldn’t be left for a long time alone. She really needs someone that has time to spend with her and a stay at home situation would be ideal. Demi has been through a lot in her young life but this sweet precious girl is ready to put the past behind her and have a wonderful life with a loving family.