Save A Dog, Inc.
604 Boston Post Road
Sudbury, MA 01776
Phone: 978-443-7282 / 508-877-1407
  Jingles, 3-5 Years Female Chihuahua  Mix
Jingles Jingles

What a cutie! Jingles is a spayed female Chihuahua. She weighs 12 lb and is people, cat and dog friendly. Jingles is a 3-5 year old female found as a stray. She is friendly to everyone she meets. We love her little underbite smile! Her favorite place is on the couch.She is a little shy at first. She is almost 100% house broken as long as you remind her to go out. She will make little noises talking to you. Nothing loud, just little squeaks and wimpers letting you know she is there and would like a belly rub. Jingle walks well on a leash. Kids 10 and older are best for her. She did test positive for Ehrlichia and we are treating her homepathically for this.