Save A Dog, Inc.
604 Boston Post Road
Sudbury, MA 01776
Phone: 978-443-7282 / 508-877-1407
Fawn, 2 Years Female Lab/Beagle
Sweet little Fawn is just a precious young girl with one blue eye. She was rescued from a shelter in TN. When rescued Fawn was in the same pen with this dog that was so very afraid and Fawn comforted the dog, licking her face and paws every time the dog would whimper. Fawn was hurting too; she had been hit by a car and spent many days at the vet recovering from injuries which she still limps from. She is now afraid of cars so a rural fenced yard for her to run and play in is best. She loves to race around our yard with other dogs at the shelter. As the rescuer carried her out of the shelter, (no way she was leaving her behind) she put her gently into the car along with her little friend that was so afraid. Cats are unknown but she is house trained and crate trained. Fawn will make a wonderful companion to someone with a very big heart....
Applications will be reviewed after her arrival. She is not available to meet until 12/13 at Petco Natick from 12-2 PM. Fawn needs a very special home. She is just darling, but has had a horrific life up until her rescue. She is our "Tiny Tim" and when you meet her you'll know why. What a special girl!