Save A Dog, Inc.
604 Boston Post Road
Sudbury, MA 01776
Phone: 978-443-7282 / 508-877-1407
  Tawny, DOB: 9/23/14 Female Corgi/ Collie/ Retriever  Mix
Tawny Tawny

Tawny is the sweetest pup. The largest of her litter, at 11 weeks old, Tawny, now a little over 13lbs, is everything you would expect of a puppy. The first to greet you at the puppy pen of a morning, full of energy, great appetite and very keen to learn. For the right training treat, she will follow the "sit" and "down" commands fairly consistently and returns when called. We have started to introduce her to a collar and leash, and she adapts very well. Tawny loves to play with toys - balls, anything that squeaks or that can be chased. She is getting braver and will explore the garden with enthusiasm. She loves to chase the foster family's mini Schnauzer and pull his beard. Tawny loves to play first and then is more than happy to snuggle, always enjoying a cuddle when she wakes in the morning and before settling in her crate for the night. Please be a stay-at-home. Children must be ten and up and extremely gentle as it's tempting to carry around little ones and they can be dropped and easily hurt. We follow a holistic protocol so we space the vaccines a month apart according to Dr. Jean Dodds' protocol. They are too young to be spayed or neutered. Please allow maturity and you will have fewer health problems later on.