Cowboy, DOB: 9/23/14 Male Collie/Corgi/Retriever
COWBOY AND TAWNY ARE AVAILABLE FOR PRIVATES FRIDAY BUT WILL NOT BE AT PETCO SATURDAY. The smallest in his litter at birth and the only boy, Cowboy, now just over 8lbs, doesn't let anything stop him. He holds his own withhis sisters, was the first to bark and will be in the middle, if not the cause of most play fights. Cowboy is outgoing and playful, butif you sit on the floor, he will be on your lap, as he loves nothing better than a cuddle. He is learning to use a puppy pad and sleeps
happily in a crate with his sister Tawny. He has a huge appetite and eats with gusto, often resulting in short bouts of hiccups. Please be a stay-at-home or work-from-home. We follow a holistic protocol so we space the vaccines a month apart according to Dr. Jean Dodds' protocol. They are too young to be spayed or neutered. Please allow maturity and you will have fewer health problems later on. No invisible fence, please. No phone calls please. Please fill out an application at