Save A Dog, Inc.
604 Boston Post Road
Sudbury, MA 01776
Phone: 978-443-7282 / 508-877-1407
Logan, 11 Weeks Male Bloodhound / Redboned
Logan is 12 weeks old and weighs approximately 20 lbs. He is a Bloodhound/Redbone Hound mix. Logan will be a big boy. Logan had a tough start in life. He was born at the shelter and one of our volunteers brought his little family home. His mama Mandy (adopted out several weeks ago) got mastitis and had to stop nursing her puppies. Unfortunately all the puppies got sick too and Little Logan is the only survivor. Logan has been bottle fed since 9 days old and has been held and cuddled daily. Logan is crate trained (a few hours max), he is 100% housebroken with a doggie door since 7 weeks old. He walks on a leash nicely. His best buddy is Danny and they play and sleep and annoy the big dogs all day long. Logan is a very quiet hound, I have only heard him bark a few times. I will look around and Logan will be sleeping in his crate or under my desk. Logan is a special boy with a big soft heart! Logan is in a foster home and we are waiting for the right match to come along as he was bottle fed from 1 week old. A stay-at-home is very important for this pup. He is in a foster home so we prefer to see an application before setting up an introduction.
Logan will be available to meet at our Sunday Meet & Greet 12-3 this weekend. We must have an application prior to visiting. Apply at www.saveadog.org