Save A Dog, Inc.
604 Boston Post Road
Sudbury, MA 01776
Phone: 978-443-7282 / 508-877-1407
Tia, 2-3 Years Female Rat Terrier
This is Tia she is 13 lbs mix She is 2-3 yrs possibly younger. You can just see the wheels turning in her head in these pictures. She's such a bright and loving dog.
Tia is a good little girl. She has big brown soulful eyes that don't miss a thing.
She is house trained and learning to use the dog door. Walks perfectly on leash
Tia gets along with the dogs and cats in her foster home. In fact she is in love with the
90 lb shepherd in foster. She goes where he goes even running through the yard,
Little Tia has had a rough life. She was rescued from a very high kill shelter in TN
She had a deep cut above her eye that has healed. There is a scar but she is still beautiful.
She has been so good in her foster home she no longer is sleeping in the crate at night but
curls up on her soft dog bed and dreams of her new happy life.