Save A Dog, Inc.
604 Boston Post Road
Sudbury, MA 01776
Phone: 978-443-7282 / 508-877-1407
Little Sadie, 8-9 Years Female Doxie
Sadie was found by a kind lady who fostered her and who thought the world of her. She is extremely sweet and has a happy tail wag for everyone she meets. She is especially fond of children. She seems fine with other dogs as long as they don’t overwhelm her and get into her face. She let the cats in the foster home sniff her and was never bothered by them. She sleeps through the night with no accidents. She also walks well on a leash and enjoys car rides. She is a quiet, low energy dog who is most content to be near her person. With a good healthy diet and proper exercise Sadie will be in shape in no time. But her most important need is to find her forever home and to be part of a loving family.