Save A Dog, Inc.
604 Boston Post Road
Sudbury, MA 01776
Phone: 978-443-7282 / 508-877-1407
Odie, 1 year Female Italian Greyhound / Jack or Rat
Odie is an ADORABLE, PETITE mixed breed pup. She has the body shape of an Italian Greyhound and the markings and face of a Jack Russell or Rat Terrier. She can jump 5 feet straight up in the air and that's what she does when she's excited to see you! She was a lost baby wandering the highway in rural TN and a kind soul took her in and kept her until he was sure there was no one searching for her. Odie is a 1 year, 11 pound youngster who has loads of energy and will fetch a ball until your arm can not take it any more. She has no argument if you would carry her, as she loves this mode of transportation. She has an amazing vertical jump that is rather amusing. If you need lots of dog kisses then Odie is the one for the job! Odie is going to win the hearts and souls of anyone who meets her. She looks big in the pic but only weighs 11 lbs. She has a cute personality just like princess who was recently placed. She is available 8/9/14.