Save A Dog, Inc.
604 Boston Post Road
Sudbury, MA 01776
Phone: 978-443-7282 / 508-877-1407
  Elena, 3.5 Months Female Black Lab  Mix

Elena is the cutest pup and is so good in her crate and in her foster home. Her foster family says, "Elena is also very well-behaved on a leash. She doesn't tug and when called, she comes back immediately. We were surprised to find how well house trained she was. Elena had no accidents in our house! She also seems to enjoy relaxing in her crate with a bully stick to chew on. Elena is a very happy pup and is not at all a handful, as it seems she has already been trained the basics and all she will need are reinforcements. We loved having her and think she will be a pleasure at her forever home!" Barney, Barry, Blossom, Elena, Elvis and Emma are from St Thomas. They are all about 3.5 months old and up to date on shots. They are going to be on the smaller side of medium, maybe 25-30 lbs. They are fun loving puppies who will need someone home alot for the next few months to help them learn all there is to learn about being a loved puppy. Please fill out an application if you are interested in meeting them.