Save A Dog, Inc.
604 Boston Post Road
Sudbury, MA 01776
Phone: 978-443-7282 / 508-877-1407
  Lady, 1-2 years Female Tennessee Walker Coonhound  Mix
Lady Lady

Lady is a real lady, hence the name. She is a 1 -2 yr. old sweet and gentle Tennessee Walker Coon Hound who weighs about 55 lbs. She was raised with a family but lost her home because her 15 yr old owner did not have enough time to spend with her and wanted Lady to have the best home possible. Lady sits, stays and shakes, does not jump on you. She is house trained, uses a dog door, walks on a leash, loves people and other dogs, and is crate trained. Lady loves her crate and will sleep all night in it and off and on during the day. She loves her squeaky toys and will carry them around with her. She will sit for hours staring at you adoringly and let you gently pull on her long soft ears. She is a very gentle dog with a heart of gold and very docile with other dogs and puppies, all the little dogs boss her around. Because she is a hound a country home with a large fenced yard would be best for her! Her foster family has teens and says about her: Lady is an amazing dog, she is so sweet and gets along great with Patch, teenage boys and my Husband. It took her a while to settle down last night, but has adjusted already to the house. She loves to run, loves water and always has to have something to play with. She will make her new family very happy! She is the perfect dog in many ways. Her only vice is barking when she sees a dog she wants to play with, but once she meets the dog she is quiet. She met the neighbor's dogs in her foster home and she was fine after that, so if you have abutting neighbors you will just want them to meet her.