Save A Dog, Inc.
604 Boston Post Road
Sudbury, MA 01776
Phone: 978-443-7282 / 508-877-1407
Celia, 18 months Female Wire-haired Terrier
Celia is 26 lbs. a sweet, gentle girl. She was pulled from the shelter pregnant by our TN fosters and she had 8 beautiful babies 2 weeks later. Celia is a dream dog. She loves her 2 mile walk every day, she never pulls on the leash. She will jump right into the car and likes to sit on the center and look out the front window. Celia loves all the other foster dogs and has paid no attention to cats. She loves to be pet and have her belly rubbed. She is not a fan of the crate yet but will learn in time. Once she is in it she settles down for the night and will not wake until morning. She is 100% housebroken with a dog door. She has a natural bobbed tail which she passed on to a few of her babies! She is inquisitive outside in the dark so her fosters go out with her for last call. She is scheduled to be spayed next week.