Luanne, 3-4 months Female Jack Russell Terrier / Rat Terrier
Luane is a sweet little girl from St. Thomas. She's a Jack/Rat, a Jack Russell / Rat Terrier mix, with feature from both. She's a very smart little girl and beyond cute. She has short legs and a fuzzy face. We're all smitten with her. She's very tiny, around 5 or 6 lbs. She needs a stay at home or work from home or flexible hours where people can be with her. Children tweens and up, would be fine. She's very playful. Here's what her foster mom says about her: Luanne is a very lovable, happy and outgoing little puppy who will snuggle and not leave your side. She sleeps all night in her crate, will squeak to go out. While she is a little nervous in the car, she loves hiking outdoors (Boy Scout Camp trails) and is learning about loose leash walking, She plays fetch with her toys & will entertain herself as well, rassling up her toys and running all over the house.
Puppy Behavior--Chases the cat, is easily distracted from chasing but will go back to chasing when unsupervised.
HIghly motivated to “come” and “sit” when clicker training/treats involved. If she is chasing the cat all bets are off. Does not hear you.
Moves very fast, loves to run.
The puppy pen is attached to the crate. If she gets anxious she will bark, yip, squeak, whine, cry, jump, twirl, climb up the pen & escape over the side. Working on trying to make the pen and crate a more positive experience where she eats, sleeps and entertains herself. Likes to unpack her toys from a box & bring them into her crate to play with.
Loves to chew, will take her toy where you can’t see her, put toy down and chew on something that may be dangerous. Cords, channel changer, water bottles, shoes, furniture legs. Knows “drop it’, she will bite up sticks outside, once got an acorn, is good about dropping it but you have to tell her. Also good about giving you her toys to throw with “drop it”.
Working on separation-- she likes to be able to see you, try to get her exhausted through exercise, play & training, then let her chew a bully stick in her crate, she will fall asleep by herself & sleep soundly for a nap a few times a day and at night from 10 pm to 5 am.