Violet, 7 months Female Retriever / Collie / Shepherd
Violet was left at the dump like a piece of garbage. This is an all too common occurrence, unfortunately, because people think that dogs can survive on garbage at the dump. It is a harsh place to be for a dog, not just because there isn't enough food but there are lots of dogs who compete for what's there. She was found by some people who live near there and brought to an animal shelter.
She was very thin but a couple of weeks in the shelter has taken care of that. She was obviously a well-cared for puppy otherwise, as she is very friendly, a gentle soul with big brown eyes. She loves being with people and is good with both women and men. She loves watching the other puppies in the shelter and you can see she wants to play with them. She is fine in the crate all night, she is housebroken and crate trained. Violet is a sweet, quiet girl. Please be willing to give this sweet little dog a great life.
Since she is 25 pounds, she is too big to fit under a seat on a plane, so her only hope is to fly Petsafe, which is more expensive. Her vet fees, crate, ferry to St.Maarten, overnight boarding, and flight to Newark, will cost over $700.
Please help us give this dog a chance at a life. If we can get her here, we can find her a loving home.