Save A Dog, Inc.
604 Boston Post Road
Sudbury, MA 01776
Phone: 978-443-7282 / 508-877-1407
Kristen, 5 months Female Collie/Shepherd
Kristen is a beautiful 4.5 months old, female collie/ Shep mix. She came to a TN animal shelter as a stray. She loves to play all day. She was in a foster home for a month in TN so is very acclimated to home life and they use the dog door to go outside to play and do her business. Life has been care-free for her in the home with multiple dogs and cats. Now she is ready for a family of her own. She is quiet in the crate and has done very well on house training. She doesn't bother the foster cats and is areally good girl. She is at the stage in her growth where she is tripping over her feet. We require Shepherd experience so is familiar are with the breed. Her foster mom says: Kristen is doing much better and has settled in pretty well. Crate training went really well and she has gone 2 days without an accidents and is spending a good amount of time out of crate after each success. She has also started to give us clues like going to the door. We knew she was smart. She does not like to be alone at night in her crate, but is getting better.Please fill out an application if you are interested or come see them during our showings.