Jazzi, 9 months Female Lab
Jazzi is a nine month old female Lab mix from TN. She loves the car, jumps right in, loves the leash and walks, loves treats. Jazzi is now around nine mo. old and loves to walk on a leash, rides in the van, loves all the other dogs, and loves attention. She is 100% housebroke with a dog door, sleeps in her crate at night. Her best friend was Albert who came to Save a Dog a while ago. Her foster mom says: She is doing great. Within less than 24 hours she was not shy at all. She is one big wiggle butt of energy and enthusiasm and her tail should be registered as a lethal weapon (she wags it so hard and fast). She still has a lot of puppy behaviors. When she gets excited (any time she sees you) she can get a little mouthy and she jumps. And she still prefers to chew on shoes rather than toys, so will need to keep up her crate training. But she is very sweet. Calms down quickly and will just curl up next to you. Sleeps through the night without a peep; doesn't move until I get up. And she is very respectful of other dogs, older included, and does not get in their face. All she wants is loving and attention. She is a very easy dog.
She is spayed, and weighs about 57 lbs. is about done growing. Jazzi loves anyone who will take her for walks, she gets all excited and runs to the front door when she sees her leash. She loves belly rubs and to have her ears scratched. She loves to play with other dogs. Available on 11/9.