Kulia, 2 years Female Lab/Border Collie/Hound
Kulia is a spayed female, 2 yrs. old. 45 lbs, and could use another 10lbs. on her! Kulia loves, loves, loves people. She will sit and just absorb any attention you are willing to give her for as long as you are willing. Will follow you from room to room and lay down and wait for you to finish your business and then follow you to the next task. A very gentle well behaved dog. She would probably be fine as an only dog, she prefers people to dogs. Kulia thinks all the treats should be hers. She is 45 lbs. and could use a more weight on her tall frame. Loves to go for walks, has very long legs and might make a good jogging or hiking partner. She is crate trained and loves to go for car rides. Is 100% housebroken with a dog door. She will be at our Petco Natick event from 12-2 PM on Sat, November 9th.