Save A Dog, Inc.
604 Boston Post Road
Sudbury, MA 01776
Phone: 978-443-7282 / 508-877-1407
  Eli, 10 months Male Labrador Retriever  Mix
Eli Eli

Eli is a 10 mo. old neutered male Black Lab mix. He has a beautiful thick, shiny coat. It is thicker and more course than a lab. Eli is a real people dog. He will follow your every where. If you open a closet he will be in it before you have the door all the way open, if you open the fridge he will have his head in there seeing what there is to eat, if you go in the bathroom he will go between your legs get in there first. He is so curious about everything. He is not afraid of the vacuum. He will follow you around and smell the vacuum cleaner. He loves all the other dogs and wants to play with all ages and sizes. Eli was annoying a little Yorkie to play and the Yorkie snarled and snapped and Eli took off with his tail tucked between his legs. He walks on a leash, loves to ride in the car and will jump right in and sit in the front. If you have a heart for Labs, you will love Eli. He has the Lab personality through and through. Come meet him on 6/15.