Union, ~ 1 year Female Shepherd / Lab
Union is an adorably sweet and SMART one year old Lab/Shep probably named after the street she was found on. She was rescued as a pup but spent her entire life until recently in a cage in a vet's office -- because there simply are no adopters in that rural location. She is very outgoing despite her ordeal. She had her friends, Vanilla and Coffee, two pups, to play with. She was good with the cat during the cat test. We ask for a securely fenced in yard as she gets to learn her surroundings in a safe environment. She is available. If you are interested, please fill out the online application to get a jump on the process. Union will bond very closely to her new family and she certainly deserves that! Come meet her on Saturday, Feb 16 from 1-3 at Petco in Natick.