Save A Dog, Inc.
604 Boston Post Road
Sudbury, MA 01776
Phone: 978-443-7282 / 508-877-1407
  Dot, DOB: March 14, 2012 Female Lab / Plott Hound?  Mix

Meet Dot! She is one of Candy's pups. They were born on March 14, 2012. There are males and females in the litter. The puppies are all getting their own personalities. They are very active when all together but alone they are much calmer and curious. The brown one is called Wrigley, The male beige one is Fenway, beige female is Sadie, Darker male is Houdini (yup! he is smart!) and darker female is Dot. They weigh right now 10-15#. The Vet thinks that they have some lab in them, the 2 beige and brown one look more like labs. The brindle(black ones look more like Candy, the mama dog. Dot has a calm sweetness about her most similar to Candy. They are all well on their way to being potty pad trained. They are crate trained and keep their kennels clean. They love to play outside and will hop through the tall grass like bunnies. Houdini has earned his name because he has managed to get out of all but one area that we have set up for them, he is a really smart canine so training him should be a breeze. They are not yappy at all. They all love to be with people and get very excited when they see people. They are available!