Been-Jamin, 18 months Female Norfolk Terrier
Been Jamin' is 1 1/2 yrs. (She was originally named Benjamin, but then they discover "he" was a "she" so put a spin on the name. Adopters are welcome to change the name. Her fur is Blonde like a Cairn, but thicker. She possibly has Norfolk terrier in her, we're not sure. She is not hypo-allergenic, just a low shedder. She was picked up running on the road of the shelter, no one claimed her. She does like to chase birds, so be on alert when walking her, because she is fast. She is calm, sometimes even acts shy, but she is really just checking out her surroundings to see what she wants to investigate first, walks good on lead. She is just a little taller than an American Cocker Spaniel. She arrives on Dec. 18 and is available after her health exam on Dec. 20th. We discourage impulse Christmas puppies or dogs as we are looking for forever homes for our rescued dogs, but if this is a time where you have several weeks off and/or familiy at home and have time to acclimate a new dog in your home, then we welcome you to come meet the dogs. Please keep in mind that we like the whole family to meet the dog (so gift dogs are not our policy). During the initial meeting, all decision-makers, i.e., adult caretakers need to be present. If you fill out the online application, it speeds the adoption process. Please bring pictures of your residence and pictures of your last dog (if applicable) so that we can get a sense of you and your family and help you make the best match for both you and the dog.